Friday, October 22, 2010

Autumn's Dance

Mother sing your earth song.
Father embrace me in your wisdom
melding heart to mind.
It is the season for falling away and dispersal.
Each life force awakened by autumn's breath
blowing away all remnants of summer's torpor.
Sun glazed maples in saffron foliage.
Scarlet oaks in hot magenta,
undulate, shed leaves like hair pins,
caught in the passion of the dance. Lynn

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Third Sunday

Sunday Oct. 17th, was the first of our Third Sunday gatherings at the Yurt Garden. The focus was on the labyrinth and its healing properties as a walking meditation. Poetry was read, as we connected with our breath. A short mediation followed before we went outside to walk the labyrinth. The weather was warm, so everyone took off their shoes and walked the sandy paths barefoot. We were surrounded by the beauty of Keel Mountain and the changing fall colors. One lone hawk circling overhead brought great peace to the ten of us. Afterward, we broke bread and shared a potluck lunch.

The next Third Sunday is Nov. 21st. We'll learn about the healing vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls as well as experiencing them being played over us. We start at 11:00AM and go until 1:OOPM Donations are appreciated.