Friday, October 22, 2010

Autumn's Dance

Mother sing your earth song.
Father embrace me in your wisdom
melding heart to mind.
It is the season for falling away and dispersal.
Each life force awakened by autumn's breath
blowing away all remnants of summer's torpor.
Sun glazed maples in saffron foliage.
Scarlet oaks in hot magenta,
undulate, shed leaves like hair pins,
caught in the passion of the dance. Lynn

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Third Sunday

Sunday Oct. 17th, was the first of our Third Sunday gatherings at the Yurt Garden. The focus was on the labyrinth and its healing properties as a walking meditation. Poetry was read, as we connected with our breath. A short mediation followed before we went outside to walk the labyrinth. The weather was warm, so everyone took off their shoes and walked the sandy paths barefoot. We were surrounded by the beauty of Keel Mountain and the changing fall colors. One lone hawk circling overhead brought great peace to the ten of us. Afterward, we broke bread and shared a potluck lunch.

The next Third Sunday is Nov. 21st. We'll learn about the healing vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls as well as experiencing them being played over us. We start at 11:00AM and go until 1:OOPM Donations are appreciated.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Garden is in full bloom

The garden is in full bloom!Zinnias in every color, black eye susans, garden phlox, sunflowers, day lilies, verbena, marigolds and a assortment of tomatoes, peppers, beans, melons and squash and wild blackberries and native plum. Butterflies and dragon flies are everywhere! If you would like to come out and walk through the garden or the labyrinth you can schedule an appointment by calling 256-776-0553. There is no charge.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Solstice Potluck and Labyrinth Walk

You are invited to the Summer Solstice Potluck and Labyrinth Walk on Sunday June 20th from 6:00pm to 10:00Pm. Enjoy good fellowship and food, and learn about the labyrinth's unique history. Walk it in daylight, at sundown or in the glow of candlelight. it's mystery and healing are always present. Bring a dish to share, and the beverage of your choice. A Vegetarian lasagna ,salad and bread will be provided.
A $5.00 dollar offering would be appreciated

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Japanese Zen Garden at the Yurtgarden

The Japanese Zen garden sits in the shade of a hedge of wild hydrangeas,directly in front of the Yurt. You can stand on the deck and view it, or go down the steps and rake the white sand into ripples, letting your mind go!

The first Zen Gardens appeared between 1392 and 1568AD. These gardens are still found on the grounds of monasteries across Japan today. The gardens represent a living work of art changing during each season. The composition always relies on some framework. At the Yurt, a small concrete pagoda fills that niche. Stones and large rocks become mountains and hills. The most important element missing is water!
Yet the representation and feeling of water is experienced in the raking of the sand. Zen priests practice the art of raking to help their concentration. They try to get their lines of sand as perfect as they can, using this act as a form of meditation. These mini landscapes become mindscapes to focus on the inner calm. Pruned treees and shrubs add to the sense of inner order inside the changing vegetation of each season.
A workshop will soon be offered at the Yurtgarden to learn how to create your own Zen garden. Stay tuned... Peace, Lynn

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Peace on Earth Project

I spend a good amount of time inside the Yurt meditating about the blessings I've received in my life. This time of year, the warmest place to be is in front of the propane heater in my favorite chair.
Hanging across the wall behind the heater is a peace flag with Peace on Earth written in seven languages. It came to me, why not begin a project, to collect these powerful words in every language that is spoken around the world. The sendees could write Peace on Earth in the language and include an alliteration as well.

This is an attempt to connect people with one another in a way that honors the highest good we all possess. Please consider taking part in this project. I'm not sure how many languages are spoken in the world these days. Maybe you know. Thank you, Lynn

Lotions, Potions and Aphrodisiascs

Join us at the Yurt Garden on Sat. Feb. 13th with master herbalist and ethno-botanist, Anna Hanlin from 2-4 to learn about herbs that have aphrodisiac qualities. We'll also learn to make lotions and potions and teas with them. Refreshments are provided. Cost $25.00 contact me at or the web page. regards, Lynn

Lotions, Potions and