Saturday, August 30, 2008

Healthy Tools for Healthy Living Workshop 9/13

The Yurt Garden is pleased to offer the first of 12 monthly workshops called Healthy Tools for Healthy Living. The first session will be on Sat. September 13th from 10:00AM to 3:30. Enjoy the day learning breathing exercises to experience your inner calm. Learn to de-construct the part of you causing stress. Take home techniques which can serve you in your daily life.
We'll get an overview of the uses of the labyrinth and walk its healing paths. We'll become aware of our human energy field and play Tibetan Singing Bowls, learn an easy dance and create a card to ourselves.A vegetarian lunch will be served.
The workshop will be limited to 10 people. A shuttle is available to pick people up at the Publix shopping center at Hampton Cove and bring them to the Yurt Garden and shuttle them back. The cost with the shuttle is $75.00, if you drive, the cost is $70.00 Please reserve your place early. Call Lynn at 776-0553 or go to the website at

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Potter's Wheel- new poetry collection available

I know reading poetry is something most people don't do. I offer these poems as balm to the wounded heart. They come through me, I am merely a vessel.
These poems are collected in a small book called the Potter's Wheel. If you are interested in getting a copy email me at

Witness Your Breath

Witness your breath,

it is your link to all living things.

Breathe the invisible molecules,

and know this is life’s true elixir.

Exhale the primordial gas,

the food of all green things.

Allow your eyes to alight on Beauty.

Savor it as the mind receives it,

tasting its sweet juices,

as it feeds you within.

As essential as air,

the food of the Spirit.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Latest Events and Workshops


The Yurtgarden is offering an on going Tai Chi class, beginning Friday July 11th, and Saturday July 12th at 10:00AM till 11:00AM.

The class will be geared toward new beginners and those who may have tried it and thought it was too hard to learn. The focus will be meditative and gentle, tapping into Chi (life force) within us all. Weather permitting, practice will be outside in the garden. The cost is $10.00 a class.

101 Overnight on Sat. July 26th Sat. 4:00PM to Sunday 12:00 PM.

Learn how to change your own view of normal so you can envision a better life for yourself and the world. We will learn basic yoga breath, personal energy work, and the philosophy and tools to reduce stress and come into a new balance in your life. We will also have plenty of fun. Bring an evening dish to share, a bottle of wine, sleeping bag and an open heart. Breakfast and snacks are included. Bring your musical instruments as well. Cost $60.00 a person. Limit to ten people so reserve your spot early. Call Lynn 776-0553

Sunday, April 6, 2008



The next Energy Kids workshop will be held May 24th between 10 and 12 AM
Download the flyer (On the Home Page)for details. Please email RSVP to reserve your space for yourself and your kids.

Please download the flyer , or call the Yurtgarden at 256-776-0553

Please come to explore the yurt, labyrinth and the gardens. light refreshments.

CREATING SACRED OUTDOOR SPACE Workshop May 10th 10AM-12PM Learn how to create a sacred space in your own backyard. Japanese sand garden, medicine wheel garden and outdoor altars. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Take home a plant to get started with your sacred space. $20 each.

Please come to explore the yurt, labyrinth and the gardens. light refreshments.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Dear Lynn,
I wake up each morning and wish I could just go back to sleep. I have a decent job but it is not my life's passion. It is just a way to make money. I feel like I am spinning my wheels. What can I do to get myself inspired to really love what I am doing with my life?

Dear Uninspired,
There is no way to force loving something in your life that you have no passion for. Take this as an opportunity for self exploration. Look at the things that really bring joy into your life. Is it some hobby you have put on hold, some project you have been meaning to do but have not found the time for.
When we look at the root cause for much of our unhappiness, we find frustration lurking there. If you can recognize it and take hold of it, you will ready for your transformation.

Into the Garden

Go into the garden of your heart’s yearning,

dig to the roots of your suffering,

beneath the blanket of dead leaves,

past the topsoil,

to the hardpan

where the tap root lay.

Grab it with both hands,

feet anchored on the ground

tugging gently,

lifting it to the surface

so it may dry in the sunlight.

Poetry by Lynn Leach

Friday, February 29, 2008

ASK LYNN Life Coaching Advice Column

Dear Lynn,
I am faced with an important life choice. My government contract is ending and I will be looking for a new position. I have been struggling with my reliance upon defense and war related income. I would like to work in a field where I will be helping people, rather than killing them.

Dear Conflicted,
If you look at this time as an opportunity to explore new job options and career choices, you don't have to be conflicted. This might be the time to to further your education either on line or at a local university.
Our area is dependent on defense and the war related income. It is one of the few places in the country that has not felt the brunt of a sagging economy. One choice would be to find another contract job in your related field so you can maintain your lifestyle and pay your bills while exploring other career path or starting your own business. Anytime we are pushed out of our comfort zone we have the choice to grow. regards, Lynn

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Energy Balancing Activities for the Active Child

Sat. Jan. 26th from 2:00 to 3:00 at the Yurtgarden

Call Lynn at 776-0553

Come to a one hour workshop with your child and learn to do simple exercises to calm the active child.

The workshop draws on Brain Gym, a modality based on the principles of Carla Hannaford, of the Kinesiology Foundation

Each exercise learned works with aligning the right and left hemisphere of the brain to bring balance. The exercises are easy and fun to do.

Wear comfortable clothes