Friday, March 28, 2008


Dear Lynn,
I wake up each morning and wish I could just go back to sleep. I have a decent job but it is not my life's passion. It is just a way to make money. I feel like I am spinning my wheels. What can I do to get myself inspired to really love what I am doing with my life?

Dear Uninspired,
There is no way to force loving something in your life that you have no passion for. Take this as an opportunity for self exploration. Look at the things that really bring joy into your life. Is it some hobby you have put on hold, some project you have been meaning to do but have not found the time for.
When we look at the root cause for much of our unhappiness, we find frustration lurking there. If you can recognize it and take hold of it, you will ready for your transformation.

Into the Garden

Go into the garden of your heart’s yearning,

dig to the roots of your suffering,

beneath the blanket of dead leaves,

past the topsoil,

to the hardpan

where the tap root lay.

Grab it with both hands,

feet anchored on the ground

tugging gently,

lifting it to the surface

so it may dry in the sunlight.

Poetry by Lynn Leach